Wednesday, 18 May 2016


This week we wrote a narrative story but it had to include a duck a jandal and a key


Wee-oo Wee-oo the police were looking around the crime scene. Ronald McDonald got kidnapped. That's where I come in. My name is Corky I'm a turtle I am 21 million years old. I want to solve the crime so bad but I'm too slow. 1 week later, I finally saved up enough money for rocket jandals. It took 3 hours to get to the store “rocket jandals.”
“Here you go.”
Woosh I was off to the crime scene. I was going 50 km per hour. I was there in on time. I walked around for a while, I saw foot prints I followed them. It lead to the table (it still had McDonalds on it). I saw a tooth, I picked it up. It was Ronald McDonald’s tooth. “LIGHTBULB.” I just remembered there were security cameras. I ceeked them I saw a limo stop at Ronald’s driveway
Then a foot came out. It kicked down his door. He went in. Then somebody else hopped out of the limo I couldn't believe it it was Donald Trump. I went to investigate there was a painting. I had a look under it there was a hole. He saw something. He followed it. “My rocket jandals are awesome.” There was a seat it span around. “We have been expecting you.”
“Donald Trump.”
“Calm down ducky mo mo.”
“Why did you want Ronald McDonald?” 
“He has the key to McDonald's plans.”
“Go ducky mo mo.”
“Your next.”
BOOF Donald trump died.
“Ronald are you ok.”
“Call 911.”
The police arrived about five minutes later. I got an award it was a McDonald's voucher.

My next step is to use better punctuation.

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